Chao REN

Chao REN (任超)

Wallenberg-NTU Presidential Principal Researcher (Forskare)

Current Position:
Department of Intelligent Systems
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Previous Position:
Trustworthy Federated Ubiquitous Learning Research Lab (AI Singapore-TrustFUL)
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Doctor of Philosophy
Sustainable Earth - Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N)
Interdisciplinary Graduate School
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Office: KTH Main Campus
[Google Scholar] [ResearchGate]

Currently, I am actively finding potential job opportunities! Welcome to contact me!

Research Topic

Big Data Analysis, Power Engineering, Federated Learning, Large-Scale System Security and Stability Assessment, Quantum Computing.

Brief Biography

Received the B.E. degree from the School of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China, in Jul. 2017. Received the Ph.D. degree from the Interdisciplinary Graduate School and awarded the Winnner of Graduate College Research Excellence Award (Each Year Only one Graduated Ph.D. is Awarded Among all Colleges and Schools in NTU) , Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in Feb. 2022, supervised by Cham Tao Soon Prof. Yan Xu (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Assoc Prof. Arijit Khan (Aalborg University, Denmark), and Assoc Prof. Teoh Eam Khwang.

Currently, I am Wallenberg-NTU Presidential Principal Researcher (Forskare) in School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. From 2022 to 2023, I am Wallenberg-NTU Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow (Principal Investigator) in School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

My current supervisor is Prof. Mikael Skoglund (Head of Department of Intelligent Systems in KTH, IEEE Fellow). Previously, my supervisors were Prof. Zhao Yang Dong (Head of Department of Electrical Engineering in Cityu, IEEE Fellow), Nanyang Asst Prof. Han Yu (NTU), and President's Chair Prof. Dusit Niyato (NTU, IEEE Fellow).

Latest News

  • [Jun. 2024] Severd as Editoral Board for IET AI for Engineering.

  • [May. 2024] Our latest FedFM survey paper about "Advances and Open Challenges in Federated Learning with Foundation Models" was released in Arix 2404.15381.

  • [May. 2024] Severd as TPC member for IEEE SmartGridComm 2024.

  • [Apr. 2024] One paper was accepted by International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2024 (IJCAI'24).

  • [Apr. 2024] Severd as PC member for ACM e-Energy 2024.

  • [Mar. 2024] Join the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.

  • [Feb. 2024] One paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

  • [Jan. 2024] One paper was accepted by IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2024 (ICC'24).

  • [Jan. 2024] Severd as Special Session Organizer for ICIEA 2024.

  • [Dec. 2023] Severd as PC member for IJCAI 2024.

  • [Dec. 2023] Invited talks in Hunan University and Southeast University.

  • [Oct. 2023] One paper was accepted by IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica.

  • [Sep. 2023] One paper was accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal.

  • [Sep. 2023] One paper was accepted by IET Energy Systems Integration.

  • [Sep. 2023] Invited to serve as an PC member for FL@FM-NeurIPS’23.

  • [Sep. 2023] Invited to serve as an PC member for AAMAS 2024.

  • [Aug. 2023] One paper was accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal.

  • [Aug. 2023] Severd as Special Session Organizer for ECCE Asia 2024.

  • [Jun. 2023] One paper was accepted by IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems.

  • [Sep. 2023] Invited to serve as an PC member for FL-ICML’23.

  • [May. 2023] Our latest QFL survey paper about "Towards Quantum Federated Learning" was released in Arix 2306.09912.

  • [Apr. 2023] One paper was accepted by CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems.

  • [Feb. 2023] Invited to serve as an PC member for ICME 2023.


  • Period: Aug. 2017 – Feb. 2022, Singapore

    Submitted thesis in July 2021, defended in Feb 2022, received degree in Feb. 2022.

    Winnner of Graduate College Research Excellence Award (Each Year Only one Graduated Ph.D. is Awarded Among all Colleges and Schools in NTU)

    Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU)

    Ph.D., Interdisciplinary Graduate Programme, across School of Computer Science Engineering and School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

    Supervisor: Prof. Yan Xu (EEE, NTU), Co-Supervisor: Prof. Arijit Khan (Aalborg University, Denmark), Mentor: Prof. Teoh Eam Khwang (EEE, NTU), Chair: Prof. Dusit Niyato (SCSE, NTU)

    Thesis Title: Advanced Big-Data Analytics for Future Smart Grid Security Assessment

  • Period: Sep. 2013 – Jun. 2017, Nanjing, China

    Outstanding Graduate Award by NUAA

    Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA)

    Bachelor of Engineering, School of Computer Science and Technology

    Supervisor: Prof. Ran Wang (CS), Co-Supervisor: Prof. Kun Zhu (CS), Prof. Qiang Xie (CS)

    Concentration on Data Analytics, Robust Optimization, and System Engineering

    Thesis Title: Robust Optimization for Performance Boundary Analysis of Microgrid Energy Dispatching Strategy

Working Experience

  • Period: Mar. 2024 – Present
    Wallenberg-NTU Presidential Principal Researcher (Forskare), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

    My own grant “Modern Smart Grid Stability Assessment Using Advanced Big Data-Analytics Techniques” for Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) research partner institution with KTH in Sweden, cooperating with Prof. Mikael Skoglund (Head of Department of Intelligent Systems in KTH, IEEE Fellow) and Prof. Zhao Yang Dong (Head of Department of Electrical Engineering in Cityu, IEEE Fellow).

  • Period: Jan. 2023 – Mar. 2024
    Wallenberg-NTU Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow (Principal Investigator), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

    My own grant “Modern Smart Grid Stability Assessment Using Advanced Big Data-Analytics Techniques” for NTU in Singapore, cooperating with Prof. Zhao Yang Dong (NTU, IEEE Fellow), Nanyang Asst. Prof. Han Yu (NTU), and Prof. Dusit Niyato (IEEE Fellow, NTU).

  • Period: July. 2022 – Dec. 2022
    Research Fellow in Trustworthy Federated Ubiquitous Learning Research Lab (AI Singapore-TrustFUL), Singapore

    Work for AISG project under Prof. Han Yu and Prof. Dusit Niyato in NTU.

  • Period: Jan. 2022 – Jun. 2022
    Student Assistant in Trustworthy Federated Ubiquitous Learning Research Lab (AI Singapore-TrustFUL), Singapore

    Work for AISG project under Prof. Han Yu and Prof. Dusit Niyato in NTU.

  • Period: Sep. 2021 – Dec. 2021
    Student Assistant in Singapore Power Group-NTU Joint Lab (SP Group-NTU Joint Lab), Singapore

    Work for SP project under Prof. Yan Xu in NTU.

  • Period: Jan. 2021 – Sep. 2021
    Student Assistant in Singtel Cognitive and Artificial Intelligence Lab (SCALE@NTU), Singapore

    Work for Singtel project under Prof. Yan Xu in NTU.

  • Period: Jan. 2018 – Oct. 2018, Singapore
    Student Assistant in Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N)

    Work for ERI@N project under Prof. Yan Xu in NTU.

Current Grant

  • “Advanced Modern Smart Grid Stability Assessment with Big Data-Analytics Techniques”, by Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) research partner institution with KTH in Sweden [Principal Investigator] - (SEK 300,000)

  • “Modern Smart Grid Stability Assessment Using Advanced Big Data-Analytics Techniques”, by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) [Principal Investigator] - (S$ 100,000)


    Prof. Yan Xu
    Cham Tao Soon Professor in Engineering
    Director, Center for Power Engineering
    College of Engineering
    Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
    Prof. Dong Zhao Yang
    IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow
    Chair Professor
    Head of Department of Electrical Engineering
    City University of Hong Kong, China
    Prof. Mikael Skoglund
    IEEE Fellow
    Head of Division of Information Science and Engineering
    Head of Department of Intelligent Systems
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

    Prof. Dusit Niyato
    IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow
    President's Chair Professor
    College of Computing and Data Science
    Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
    Prof. Han Yu
    Nanyang Assistant Professor
    College of Computing and Data Science
    Nanyang Technological University, Singapore